Indian Medical Research to now get a Scientific Media Boost

?With an aim of giving a push to the medical research being conducted in India, growingly popular medical publisher Scientific Scholar has joined hands with Medical Dialogues, India’s leading online medical news portal for medical professionals for promoting Indian Medical Research. The MoU will focus on media promotion and dissemination of medical research done at various medical colleges and medical institutions across the country and published in various journals of Scientific Scholar.

Talking about the tie-up, Pritesh Sheth, CEO of Scientific Scholar, said, “There are so many relevant researches in India on the Indian population, that require greater visibility in the scientific and research community. It is also the need of the hour to invest in bringing forward local medical research so that guidelines and policies that are suited to the Indian phenotype can be designed. The MoU is aimed at supporting and promoting Indian medical researchers by giving them a greater platform to showcase their published research and share their results not only with their peers but also with the public at large.” “With this initiative, we aim to give much deserved and due recognition to all those medical doctors, teachers, and researchers in various parts of the country who carry out and produce quality medical research. We hope that with this small effort, we are able to encourage medical practitioners in taking up medical research not just for their academic advancement but for the larger health benefit of Indian society as well,” said Meghna A Singhania, founder and Editor in Chief, Medical Dialogues.

Dr. Prem Aggarwal, Co-founder and Chairman Medical Dialogues said, “Doctors, teachers and medical researchers engaged in medical research provide an invaluable yet often under-appreciated service to society, paving the way for medical advancement and developing indigenous medical solutions. Through this endeavour, we aspire to inspire and motivate our fellow medical practitioners to actively embrace medical research as an integral part of their professional journey. It is an opportunity for academic growth and a means to contribute to the larger health benefit of Indian society.” Dr. Sunny Duttagupta, Director of Publishing at Scientific Scholar said, “We hope with this initiative we can bring forward the focus on Indian medical research and bring due credit to genuine published research in India. Our aim is to make medical societies and journals from India that publishes with us to be more competitive on a global stage.”