Bengaluru, May 12 (Agency) Hinting at a possible post-poll alliance with the BJP in case of hung verdict, senior JDS leader Tanveer Ahmed has said that the Congress is not forming the government even if it gets 110 seats in Karnataka assembly election.”Even at any party. I repeat, especially the Congress. Even if they are getting 110 seats, I challenge you that they will not form the government,” he said in a leading English news channel’s Prime Time Discussion on Wednesday.Also speaking to a media channel on Thursday, Tanveer said a decision on post-poll alliance has already been taken, and will be announced to the people at the right time.
The JDS leader made these statements in the wake of exit polls signalling hung verdict in Karnataka election.Tanveer claimed both Congress and BJP parties have tried contacting his party to form a coalition government as most of the exit polls predicted the JDS winning 20-25 seats.He further said that without JDS on board, no party can form a majority government, and added that his party does not have the resources and wherewithal like the national parties have, but it is sure to be a part of the next government in the state. Meanwhile, the BJP leaders including former chief minister BS Yediyurappa denied having any thoughts on cobbling up a post-poll alliance with JDS, as the party is expecting to win the election with a comfortable majority.