Need collective efforts to achieve environmental sustainability goals

New Delhi, Dec 7 (Agency) Environmental sustainability Goals can only be achieved only through technology but need collective efforts from all the stakeholders, said Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) Ajay Kumar Sood. Speaking at the annual flagship conference “RESOLVE “organized by the Delhi Research Implementation and Innovation (DRIIV), Sood said, Environmental issues such as waste management, water, security, and air pollution cannot be solved without the application of technology”. He however added that “Technology alone cannot solve these problems unless there is a collective effort of all the stakeholders be it local bodies, NGOs communities, Corporates” Appreciated the effort of DRIIV for mobilising all the stakeholders to achieve sustainable goals, he said, “I hope that DRIIV, with its community and academic experts, entrepreneurs and corporate partners, becomes a valuable resource in contributing towards various national missions as well as SDG goals as India presides over all the G20” The one-day flagship conference was organized in New Delhi, for showcasing DRIIV’s initiatives in sustainability and breakthrough tech innovations so far and bringing together members of the ecosystem who are instrumental in delivering on DRIIV’s objectives.

Speaking on DRIIV’s priorities, Shipra Misra MD and CEO, DRIIV said “Lack of piloting opportunities and the absence of a funding mechanism for mid-TRL technologies are two major hurdles for innovators in research-based technologies. “DRIIV is focused on solving these problems by engaging public bodies, such as GMDA and MCG to provide real-life use cases on the one hand and mobilising corporates by pooling their CSR resources toward sustainability projects on the other. Based on such use cases, we are implementing sustainable solutions on the ground for a larger impact through pilots” she added. Prof. K Vijayraghavan, Former Principal Scientific Advisor & DRIIV Founder emphasized that it’s not a question of human ingenuity alone, our Planet is at an extraordinary junction because we have eaten up this planet on such a scale and in such a manner that ingenuity alone cannot save it. He said, ” Sustainable growth requires a focus on the commons and collaterals. The fact of the matter is there is no going back to some nativist past for addressing these environmental issues, we have to go to the future.” DRIIV is an initiative of the Principal Scientific Advisor in transforming the sustainability paradigm, keeping science and technology at its core.