Madhavbaug to conduct Vishwaveda to highlight Ayurveda’s unique strength

With an aim to showcase the effectiveness of Ayurveda treatment and therapies, Madhavbaug a specialist in treating and reversing cardiovascular, and metabolic disorders through its scientific evidence-based Ayurveda, will conduct a self-video film festival “Vishwaveda” exclusively for the practitioners of this ancient healthcare system. There is a conducive policy environment in the country, thanks to the number of initiatives taken by our Honourable Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi. It is now the industry’s responsibility to increase the scope and reach of Ayurveda domestically and globally. For this, we need first to change the mindset and perception of both practitioners and the general public. Our self-video film festival for Ayurvedic doctors intends to achieve these objectives, said Dr. Rohit Sane, Founder and CEO of Madhavbaug.

This unique self-video film festival will revolve around the many facets of Ayurveda. The practitioners of this ancient healthcare science will make short video films highlighting the various treatments available under Ayurveda for effectively treating a wide array of diseases. This will not only create awareness and build trust in the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatment among the general public but will also instil confidence among Ayurveda practitioners who feel slightly inferior to modern medicine due to lack of proper research and data to support their claims, said Sane.

The best ten video winners will be recognised at the World Ayurveda Congress to be held in Goa in December 2022. They will also be eligible for Ayurvedic courses worth Rs 50,000 conducted by Madhavbaug absolutely free of cost, besides a cash prize of Rs 10,000 each. This festival would also provide networking events and ample opportunities for selected video-makers to showcase their achievements, learn from their colleagues and build contacts for future collaborations.