EFSI celebrates centenary, Stalin releases coffee table book

Chennai, Nov 18 (Agency) The Employers’ Federation of Southern India (EFSI),the oldest employers’ body, today celebrate its journey of 100 years, with Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K.Stalin releasing a Coffee Table Book on theoccasion. The Coffee Table Book titled “Collaboration, Trust and Harmony” was broughtout by EFSI highlighting its journey towards promoting industrial harmony. The first copy of the coffee table book was received by A Krishnamoorthy, GroupChairman – Amalgamations Group.Addressing the valedictory function of its centenary celebrations here, the Chief Minister said his Government is taking various steps to make TamilNadu US Dollar one trillion economy and achieve the number one positionin industrial development.

He assured his Government’s full support to the industry in achieving thegoals. He appreciated the good relations maintained by EFSI with all trade unionsand the role it is playing for welfare of workers as a member of Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare board. The Chief Minister stressed on the need for Government, employers and workers joining hands and coming together for helping the State in achieving unparalleled development in all spheres. The EFSI has played a vital role in shaping the labour policy through itsrepresentation in the Tri Partite committees set up by the state and Central Governments. EFSI supported the government in their progressive reforms under taken bythem pre and post independence era including the formulation of presentfour labour codes.

The Federation has a strength of 720 members and 22 affiliated Associationscovering Textile, Sugar, Cement, Leather, MSMEs.An audio visual was played on the occasion AV tracing the history, growth high lighting the milestones in its 100 years journey.Special address was delivered by senior industrialists N Kumar, ViceChairman – Sanmar Group and CK Ranganathan, CMD – Cavinkare Limited.Both of them recalled the significant contribution of EFSI in promoting Industrial Peace and harmony which paved the way for conduciveclimate for the industrial growth in the region. During the occasion the federation facilitated past presidents andsenior members for their contribution to EFSI. The occasion was also marked with a panel discussion by Industrial leaders and experts including from International Labour Organisation on “The future of work and its implications”.