Hamirpur (HP), July 17 (Representative) The District Congress Committee Sunday grilled the state BJP government led by Jai Ram Thakur on the alleged false claims related to the development in the state. The district President of the party, Rajendra Jar, while issuing a press statement Sunday said the Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur has moved to Hamirpur district on the completion of four and a half years of his reign. “There is no justification to consider some announcements related to development only as development. It was the Congress government which has done all round development in Hamirpur district and across the state without any discrimination. Not in the Congress party, but on the contrary, there can be seen a clear fury in the BJP leadership in view of its defeat in the next assembly elections.
The manner in which the people associated with BJP and AAP and other parties have increased their attraction towards the Congress party and the speed with which there is a competition to join the Congress has become a cause of restlessness especially for the BJP”. He said of course, the negative behavior of the BJP towards the expectations of the people of the state can be attributed to this. The District President said as soon as the name of the charge sheet being prepared by the State Congress in corruption cases of the present State BJP Government surfaced, the Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur has gone out of his way to threaten to file a court case against the Congressmen.
He said,” I do not understand whether 4 and a half years was less time to do this. The biggest example of this is that the present state government does not have any control over the administration, the biggest example of this is the change of seven chief secretaries in the tenure of the state government for four and a half years”. Zar said the Jairam government has been giving the wounds of mis-governance to the poor people as if you have to catch the train in a hurry. He said the BJP would leave even before those development works are announced which will never be completed.