Reducing Automotive Air Pollution with Advanced European Emission Control Technology for India

ALCOR CB M & A closes a JV transaction between European Company Autometal and Dewas Hydoquip India to bring in the “State of the Art” Technology for Emission Control Systems to India and Asian Markets. Autometal, a European company is bringing in the latest technology for emission control by partnering with an Indian company Dewas Hydroquip from India. ALCOR CB M&A, the global leader in Mergers and Acquisition, a division of ALCOR Fund, structured the JV transaction between Autometal to bring in the latest technology for Emission Control Systems to India. Speaking at the event, Mr Thomas Mathew – Head (M&A) of ALCOR CB mentioned that the JV would position itself to become a market leader in India with this technology. The JV is backed by several years of huge outsourcing contracts to Europe and would be a manufacturing hub for the global markets which include customers to Europe and Russia. Strategically, the JV, apart from fitting within the PLI schemes, would capitalize on the huge markets with this kind of revolutionary technology offering Euro 6 Emission standard solutions to off road vehicle markets. The Joint Venture company will design and manufacture emission control systems, for commercial and off-road automotive applications.

This JV will help Autometal, which is already present in 37 countries including Russia, to enter and expand in the Indian and South Asian market, which is one of the fastest-growing automobile markets in the world. Autometal will bring its exclusive technology for the Emission control systems, so the JV company would have an edge over others with its proprietary intellectual property. This innovative technology will revolutionize the Indian automobile industry by introducing the complete product range of Emission Control Systems including Mufflers, particulate reduction and SCR systems. The JV would have the backing of ALCOR for investments and strategy execution, enabling market leadership. This is one of the great initiatives under Make in India of PM Modi. Mr Ulrich Hobert, the Managing Director of Auto Metal, a company that has footprint in over 37 countries in Europe and Russia said “I am pleased to enter and support the Indian Automotive market with advanced Technology, and we look forward to introducing many more innovations in India. This strategic entry will help Autometal to establish itself as the global leader and this cooperation will bring in additional purchase benefits to Autometal.

Manoj Mundra, Managing Director of Dewas Hydoquip stated, “I am pleased that Dewas is working actively with the PM Modi’s “Make in India initiative” and by bringing this “State of the Art” technology into India. This growth strategy, structured by ALCOR would propel Dewas Hydoquip to become one of the market leaders in India. Mr George Molakal, Global CEO of the ALCOR Fund, congratulated both Auto Metal from Germany and Dewas Hydoquip from India for taking to decision to grow together in India / Asia markets by introducing the latest technology for Emission Control Systems. He applauded Auto Metal for supporting the JV for placing huge outsourcing orders and also congratulated the teams that worked together to close this transaction. Speaking at the event, Parth Vanjara, A Senior Analyst, of ALCOR CB M&A said, “ALCOR has seen India as a great destination to invest and to bring in a range of ‘cross-border’ deals to address the growth areas for Indian companies, through technology, investments, and new businesses. This JV, besides bringing in foreign earnings for India, will generate revenues for the state and increase employment for local population”.

Allen D Souza, another Senior Analyst of ALCOR mentioned that ALCOR is one of the few companies that has brought in this kind of investment, post the covid recession. He mentioned that ALCOR is currently working on a very strong pipeline of cases that would bring in huge investments to India, meet the PLI schemes of the Govt, create phenomenal value to the Indian companies, the foreign companies and father create very high job opportunities for the people of India. ALCOR M&A, one of the Global M&A leaders, can have these Joint Ventures with equity and debt investments executed within four to six months across the globe. Manish Mundra, the Executive Director of Dewas Hydoquip, closed the event and stated that Dewas team is very happy to partner with Auto Metal and bring in “The State of the Art” technology for Emission Control Systems, which will be introduced through the JV for the Indian market and offers a high value to the customers in India and Asia. Backed by a huge outsourcing back to Europe, the JV would be self-sustainable from the beginning, and would aim to position its market leadership in India.