Hamirpur (HP), May 6 (Agency) Hamirpur police have arrested three youngsters and recovered 10.17 grams of Chitta (Heroin) from their custody. Those arrested were Ishan Rana of Anu (Hamirpur), Atish Sadyal of Banal village of Hamirpur and Danish Dhawan of Ferozepur (Punjab). SP, Hamirpur, Dr. Akriti Sharma said Friday that during a random checking Thursday night , three young persons were found moving in suspicious conditions.
When police stopped them and searched their belongings, a packet was found wherein chitta was kept. She said a case under NDPS Act had been registered and further interrogation is on. SP said the police was on the prowl to nab the druggists and during the last two days six youngsters had been arrested with Chitta. She appealed to the people to report to the police the activities of people especially the youngsters who were engaged in drug related activities.