Jammu, March 27 (Bureau) Jammu Police have arrested a person for issuing fake degrees and documents of various Universities in Ranbir Singh Pura area here in the city outskirts, Police said on Sunday. It said one Sunny Kumar, resident of Nai Basti, had filed a complaint at RS Pura police station regarding issuance and distribution of fake degrees by one Ravi Kumar, resident of Kotli Gala Bana, R S Pura. The arrested accused revealed that he fraudulently prepared fake documents, degrees of various Universities and distributed them among the locals to earn money illegally.
Police said that about 100 fake degrees and documents have been recovered from him. “The accused was issuing fake degrees, mark sheets of Universities like Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidhya Pith Varanasi; Chatrapti Shahuji Maharaj University Kanpur, UP; Himachal Pradesh University Board; Karnataka University; and CSJM University, Kanpur, UP. The accused charged Rs 25000 for diploma mark sheet and Rs 45000 for degree. “There is an apprehension of involvement of interstate gang in the fraud. We have registered a case and started investigation,” police added.