Yogi launches free double food grains distribution scheme in UP

Lucknow, Dec12 (FN Agency) Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday launched the extended massive ration distribution campaign, in which more than 15 crore ration card users would receive double-free rations. The ration distribution campaign will be taken to every poor person through the 80,000 kotedars (fair price shops). Chief minister while launching the campaign slammed the opposition for trying to derail the efforts made by the centre and state governments to provide relief to the people during the Corona period. “Some people spread misinformation about COVID vaccine but they themselves took it inside their houses. They were questioning the government about the Corona period but on the other hand they themselves were in isolation,” CM said.

Appealing to the people to take the COVID vaccine who were still to get it as this is the best method to get protection from Corona, he said adding that the state government is fully prepared to face the third wave of the virus. Touted to be one of the biggest food distribution schemes which was launched on Sunday, the CM claimed that it is aimed at reducing the woes of the economically marginalized citizens, who are not able to arrange for ration and food due to COVID-19. “For the first time, along with wheat and rice, the ration card holders in Uttar Pradesh will receive a litre of refined oil, and a kilo each of salt and pulses, free,” he added.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath gave instructions that the ration is to be distributed in the presence of BJP leaders, MPs and local public representatives. He has also asked the officials to make elaborate arrangements for the distribution and ensure that every single eligible person gets the benefit of the scheme. During the programme CM also handed over ration to 10 card holders. On behalf of the state government, CM Yogi declared free ration distribution until Holi on November 3 in Ayodhya. Later, the Central government also extended the ration distribution under PMGKAY till March 2022. In this way, the beneficiaries will now receive 10 kg of wheat/rice from now onwards. Notably, there are around 1,30,07,969 units of beneficiaries under the Antyodaya Ann Yojna and 13,41,77, 983 units under Eligible Household cardholders.