Madurai, Dec 9 (Agency) In a daring act, a five-member masked and armed gang attacked two staffs of a private gold finance company and robbed jewellery weighing 166 sovereigns (1.25 kg) and Rs 90,000 cash from them at Ayyampatti on the Tiruchirapalli- Madurai National Highway late on Wednesday night. Police said the company employees, Michaelraj and Selvam, were bringing the jewels and cash from Villupuram branch to Madurai office in a car, when the gang, which was following them, waylaid them at Ayyampatti village under the Kottampatti police limits.
The gang threatened the finance company employees with knives and machetes to part away the valuables. When Michaelraj resisted, one of the gang members attacked him with a machete and snatched the valuables. The gang then dragged the two employees and the driver out of the car and drove away with the vehicles. On being alerted by the finance company employees, the Kottampatti police launched a search for the culprits. They found the employee’s car abandoned at Pathinettu Sukkampatti village in the wee hours of today. Deputy Inspector General of Police, Madurai range N.Kamini and Superintendent of Police V.Baskaran visited the place of crime and held inquiries. Two special police teams have been formed to arrest the culprits.