Team SARBS wins Shree Cement Quarterly Team Bridge Championship

Kolkata, Nov 15 (Agency) Unfancied SARBS represented by Swarnendu Banerjee, Avijit Chakraborty , Rana Roy, Biswajit Poddar and Samir Basak emerged champions in the inaugural Shree Cement Quarterly Team Bridge Competition eliminating favourite India Open Team, which will represent the country in the forthcoming World Bridge Championship to be held in Italy next year, in the last super league match of the three day event held on line Sunday.

The event organised by West Bengal Bridge Association (WBBA) saw SARBS earning 118.16 Victory Points (VPs) while the India Open Tean got 116.55 VPs. Bhusi Team came third with 85.82 VPs and were followed by Team Ajoy Bagaria who collected 82.63 VPs. A Pairs event was also organised on the final day which was won by the duo of Pranay Majumdar and Saswata Bhattacharyee earning 70.31 International Master Points (IMPs) . They were followed by Promd Ranjan Das & Asit Ranjan Ghosh (61.16 IMPs) and Shakar Narayan Ghosh & Swapan Shome ( 52.78 IMPs )