WebEngage Startup Program Edition 2: Bigger in Impact, Bolder in Ambition

? Second edition of the WebEngage Startup Programme will offer select early-stage startups access to its powerful Marketing Automation Suite with credits worth US $25,000 for six months. The program includes exclusive masterclasses on retention, brand building, key metrics to watch, planning subsequent fund-raises and more

? ?WebEngage, a new age Retention Operating System, has today announced the launch of the second edition of WebEngage Startup Program, a growth accelerator for early-stage B2C startups. WebEngage has launched this Startup Programme with an objective to help startups nail the customer experience right from first impression, onboarding to post purchase. This year the programme will be open for startups across E-Commerce, D2C, Marketplaces, EdTech and FinTech segments. Applicants can enroll themselves free of cost by visiting https://webengage.com/startup-program.

? Once shortlisted, 50 startups will have a dedicated team of WebEngage advisors coach them accelebrate their business. Selected startups will get access to WebEngage’s comprehensive Marketing Automation Suite with credits worth $ 25,000 for a period of 6 months. Members of the programme will get to participate in exclusive masterclasses on best practices in retention and engagement so that they can pave a path to accelerated growth.

? Avlesh Singh, Co-founder & CEO, WebEngage, says, “While we’re in the middle of a unicorn boom, startups need to remember that engaging and retaining their customers is a key to building an enduring business. 90% startups fail because they run out of money to continue acquiring customers while they’ve not paid adequate attention to retaining earlier customers – which is unfortunate. Through the Program, we aim to help startups to lay the groundwork for long-term retention, in setting the right dashboards and running highly personalized engagement across channels.”

? The first season of the WebEngage Startup Program saw applications from over 80 startups across India, South East Asia, Middle East and Latin America. These startups include now known brands such as Fampay, Mudrex, Bare Anatomy, Phool, Air Black, Crejo, among others. The Program has helped increase the brands’ user engagement, retention and transactions alongside growth in their user base. For example, Fampay witnessed a 2X improvement in the onboarding funnel, a 22% increase in transactions made by the teenagers and a 40% boost in the number of referral users. Another social impact D2C brand Phool saw 23% increase in its revenue.

? Kush Taneja, Co-Founder at FamPay said, “The WebEngage Startup Program helps us engage with users effectively, provide delightful experiences and build long-term relationships with them.”

? Ankit Agarwal, Founder at PHOOL said, “By enrolling in the WebEngage Startup Program, we’ve adopted a growth marketing approach that shall help us scale our business faster and bring down acquisition costs over time.”