Top 16 teams of world to participate Junior Men’s world cup hockey

Bhubaneswar, Nov 3 (Representative) Top 16 teams of the World would participate in the junior Men’s Hockey World Cup, 2021, slated to be held from November 24 to December 5, 2021 at Kalinga Stadium here.,. The tournament would be played in four pools with quarter finals, semi finals and finals. In total 48 matches would be held during the tournament.

The schedule would include 5 matches per day from November 24 to 27 and, 4 matches per day from November 28 to December 5. The Teams from Belgium, Malaysia, South Africa, and Chile would play in Pool-A; India, Canada, France and Poland would play in Pool-B, Netherlands, Spain, Korea and United States would be in Pool-C; and, Germany, Argentina, Pakistan and Egypt would be in Pool-D. Approximately 600 players and officials would participate in the event. Reviewing the preparations at a meeting here Odisha Chief Secretary Suresh Chandra Mahapatra directed the departments of works, IDCO, police, fire service, health & family welfare, handloom and textiles, tourism, housing and urban development, BSNl and energy department to complete all works and arrangements well before the time.

The issues relating to travel and accommodation of the teams, their local transport, arrival, catering, security, development of stadium, practice ground, main hockey ground, venue operation, traffic, fire safety, electrical arrangement and safety, waste management, regular covid test, necessary arrangement for health and medical care, internet connectivity, were discussed and decided in the meeting. In view of the Covid-19 protocols, spectators would not be allowed inside the stadium. The Chief Secretary directed to ensure proper live telecast and live display of the of event on large screens in the city