Australian PM extends Diwali greetings, a ‘festival of lights’ at the end of the Covid tunnel

Canberra, Nov 3 (Bureau) Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Wednesday greeted the Indian community in Australia celebrating Diwali and said the festival of lights “is the moment when we turn the corner, and begin to see the lights ahead of us” at the end of the Covid tunnel. Morrison also thanked the Indian community for their efforts and a “united response” to the ongoing health crisis. “I thank you, as people of faith and cultural communities, for your efforts over many months to keep your communities safe, together, and part of our united response to the pandemic.” Earlier, in his message, he said: “On the darkest night of the month, we hold in our hearts the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. It is the moment when we turn the corner, and begin to see the lights ahead of us, guiding us forward. We have been through dark times in these last two years,” he said.

“This year, we celebrate Diwali as we draw ever closer to the light at the end of our COVID-19 tunnel.” “That means all the things we have had to forsake – welcoming, gathering, celebration and ceremony – will again be possible. For some parts of Australia, we will be able to celebrate this year, and for the remainder of the country, next year.” “We look forward with joy and hope knowing that our Diwali celebrations will take place again. Over recent years, I have joined Diwali celebrations around Australia and I know the joy, colour, community and food that makes Diwali such a special celebration,” he added. On the easing of restrictions imposed due to Covid, he said, “We will get to that time with our National Plan to open safely and to stay safely open.” “Our vaccination program underpins this plan and I urge all Australians to get vaccinated to take up the opportunity offered by our doses of hope,” he added. “May everyone celebrating Diwali this year be refreshed by its sense of hope and prosperity, and by the fellowship of your family and community,” he said.