Bengaluru, Oct 12 (Agency) GamePlay and Aarka Sports on Tuesday launched the MS Dhoni Cricket Academy (MSDCA) here. The academy will start its training operations from November 7 and registrations are open for now. Former India captain and MSDCA mentor, Dhoni, said the academy aims to provide a 360-degree training approach with the help of best techniques, technology, qualified coaches and fitness experts, to sharpen the skills of budding cricketers. “The process is more important than the result, as the latter is the byproduct of the former, which will get the desired result,” he said. Gameplay Owner Deepak S Bhatnagar said the academy will provide the best of the infrastructure and world class coaching facilities to pursue the dreams of the aspiring cricketers. It will also provide an opportunity to them to learn modern coaching methodology from MSDCA and their accredited BCCI coaches, he said.
MSDCA Bengaluru Coordinator M Vishwanath said young cricketers will be able to learn from the best of the coaches along with the mentoring of Dhoni. On future plans, he said the academy is spreading its centres to every corner of India and abroad. Aarka Sports was established in 2014 and has focused on sports management and sports consultancy services in India and abroad. It was founded by Mihir Diwakar, who was a part of India U-19 World Cup-winning team and has performed at the highest level to relate to the needs and wants of sports and sportsperson. Aarka Sports is his extension of creating excellence in sports. The objective of this initiative is to bring structured cricket coaching to all the aspiring cricketers in India.