Thiruvananthapuram, Jul 28 (Agency) Amazon Prime Video on Wednesday unveiled the first poster of the upcoming Malayalam thriller Kuruthi, starring Prithviraj Sukumaran in the lead. Fans are in for a special treat this Onam with the exclusive world premiere of this Amazon Original Movie slated for 11th August. Directed by Manu Warrier, written by Anish Pallyal and produced by Supriya Menon under the banner of Prithviraj Productions, the highly anticipated Malayalam thriller also stars Roshan Mathew, Srindaa, Shine Tom Chacko, Murali Gopy, Mamukkoya, Manikanda Rajan, Naslen, Sagar Surya and Navas Vallikkunnu in pivotal roles.
The poster reveals a fierce Prithviraj Sukumaran along with an intense Roshan Mathew and the talented ensemble standing against a police van in the midst of a lush forest, setting the tone of the film. After the terrific success of Cold Case on Amazon Prime Video, Prithviraj is back with another edge of the seat thriller that depicts a tale of how enduring human relations that transcend boundaries, struggle to survive trials of hatred and prejudice.