Palghar, Jul 8 (Agency) With the arrest of four persons from Gujarat the MBVV police on Wednesday claimed to have solved the house breaking theft at a steel factory in Vasai Phata of Nalla Sopara the police said. The police said in an official release that stolen goods worth Rs. 8.76 lakhs had also been recovered from the arrested accused. It was between June 18, and July 01, some unidentified persons had broken into the factory and stolen steel goods meant for delivery.
An offence under sections 454,457,380,411 rw 34 of the IPC had been registered with the Valiv police station. The police probed into the crime and inspected the place of crime, checked the CCTV footages and worked on intelligence inputs and traced the accused to Ahmedabad and arrested them the police said. The police gave their names as Nayanaram Purohit, 26, Ramesh Bhil, 27, Anandram @ Anid Rabari, 25, and Nayeem Khan, 26.