Visakhapatnam, Jul 5 (Agency) Aiming to achieve Rs 1000 crore turnover in the financial year 2021-22, B New Mobiles, a multi-brand mobile handset retailer, said on Monday that it would open 100 more new stores in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana by December 2022. Speaking after opening two new outlets in Vizag on Monday, taking the total number of stores under its operation to 101, Company Chairman and Managing Director Y.D.Balaji Chowdary, said Of the new stores planned with an investment of Rs 50 crore on the expansion, 25 stores will come up in Hyderabad alone.
B New which started its operations with its first store in Vijayawada in September 2014, currently has 82 stores in AP and 19 in Telangana and it has served over 50 lakh customers so far, he said. “Most of our stores are in tier III and II cities across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, he said we have stores in cities like Tirupati, Vizag, Vijayawada, Rajahmundry, Kakinada, Kurnool, Kadapa and in towns like Tanuku Tadepalligudem, Gudiwada. We have established a store for each one lakh population, Chowdary said that we are planning to open more. “We give customers top priority and all our stores are equipped with live demo counters which help the customers touch and feel the products they are buying, ” he said.
Our prices are lower than those available online and we have the latest gadgets and devices on sale, he said . We also help customers on the issues related to insurance, new applications and operating issues post the sale,” he explained. On the revenue from, B New Mobiles, which has a strong team of over 700 people across the two telugu States, clocked a turnover of Rs 700 crore during financial year 2020-21 and is expecting to across Rs 1,000 crore turnover in FY 2021-22 said Y.Sai Nikhilesh, ED, B New Mobiles. Recently, the company forayed into online sales space with a promise of mobile handset delivery within two hours after placing an order on WhatsApp or on its website.