Patna, Jun 13 (FN Representative) Experts making untiring efforts to create awareness to face the challenge of climate changes, today called upon the people to strive for protecting the environment to save lives of humans and prevent the extinction of ‘Sparrow’. Director of Press Information Bureau (PIB) Dinesh Kumar, while addressing a webinar organised by “Hamari Goraiya aur Paryavaran Yodha”, on the theme of “Importance of Sparrow and Environment in restoring Ecosystem”, said that in the name of development, incessant damages were being caused to forest, mountains, hills and rivers which disturbed the balance of ecosystem. If people did not take preventive measures and continue their acts of damaging components of the environment like forest, rivers and mountains, it would jeopardise their own lives, he cautioned.
Mr Kumar said that the quality of life of the people would be affected as well if no corrective measures were taken without further loss of time. People should remain confined to limitations and enjoy the benefits of the environment without having the temptation to damage it for short term benefits as it would have serious repercussions, he warned. Assistant Director of Press Information Bureau (PIB) Sanjay Kumar, also immensely contributing since long for protection of Sparrow facing the threat of extinction, while addressing the webinar, said that all components of the ecosystem were compliments to each other. For narrow material gains to quench their temptations, the ecosystem was being hugely damaged, he further said, adding that it would leave devastating effects on the lives of men. Sparrow had its own contribution to protect the environment and all efforts should be made to prevent these tiny birds from extinction, he noted.
Noted environmentalist Rajesh Kumar Suman, popularly known as ‘Tree Man’, said that north east region of the country did not suffer as much as was faced by other parts of the country in the first and second wave of Corona pandemic. Main reason behind north east facing comparatively less damaging effect was its good forest cover, he pointed out. Another eminent environmentalist and Geologist Dr Mehta Nagendra Singh suggested three point formula to save the sparrow from its extinction. Arrange for small particles of food grains, water and nests for sparrows, he said, adding that trees provided proper space for nests of sparrows and all efforts should be made to go for massive plantation and protect existing trees.