New Delhi, Dec 1 (Agency) India on Tuesday recorded a fresh spike of 31,118 nCoV cases, pushing the country’s COVID tally to 94,62,810, the Union Health Ministry update said this morning. Active COVID cases in the country have witnessed a dip by 11,349 during the past 24 hours and currently stand at 4,35,603, the government data added.
Pandemic fatality count has further increased to 1,37,621 till date, after 482 more lives were claimed by the highly contagious virus since Monday. Meanwhile, there were 41,985 COVID patients who were cured in the past one day, taking the total recoveries so far to 88,89,585. In percentage, the active cases are now 4.60 per cent, cured cases 93.94 per cent and the COVID deaths 1.45 per cent of the total case count of the country till date. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, 14,13,49,298 cumulative samples have been tested so far for COVID since the beginning.