Prayagraj, Jan 21 (FN Agency) The Hindi version of the Indo-Japanese animated film ‘Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Ram’ is set to premiere at Maha Kumbh on Wednesday. The special screening of the animated film will take place at 10:00 AM at the Divya Prem Sewa Camp, Sector 6, near Netra Kumbh. Social Welfare Minister Aseem Arun will grace the event as the chief guest. The screening is one of the many new features introduced by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for this year’s grand and divine Maha Kumbh. For the first time in the event’s history, an animated film will be screened during the festival.
The film vividly portrays the extraordinary tale of Lord Shri Ram, his unwavering devotion, and the triumph of righteousness over evil. Designed especially for children, this initiative promises to inspire and entertain families and audiences of all age groups. Organisers have highlighted the film’s appeal, making it a memorable experience for attendees. Set for a nationwide release on January 24, the screening at Maha Kumbh adds a unique significance to the event. Devotees are invited to experience this cinematic marvel at Divya Prem Sewa Camp, Sector 6, starting at 10:00 AM.