Mumbai, Jan 10 (Agency) Maharashtra Relief and Rehabilitation Minister Makarand Jadhav-Patil on Thursday informed that the state government has taken an important step to provide relief to the farmers affected by natural calamities. Under this assistance, Rs 535 crore 65 lakh 74 thousand 893 has been distributed to 5 lakh 30 thousand 45 farmers, and this amount of aid has been deposited directly in the bank accounts of the disaster-affected farmers. The government has always given priority to provide relief to the farmers affected by natural calamities, and since March 2023, an amount of Rs 9,307 crore has been directly deposited in the Aadhaar-linked bank accounts of the farmers through DBT.
The department launched a special drive for quick completion of e-KYC of farmers, thereby speeding up the verification of pending cases, he said. The minister feels that the state government is sensitive towards the farmers who have suffered losses due to natural calamities, and this compensation shows the government’s commitment to emergency response, he expressed on this occasion. The Relief and Rehabilitation Department is vigilant to ensure that these farmers get compensation for the loss immediately, he added.