New Delhi, Dec 10 (Agency) The Congress on Tuesday asked the government ‘to stop playing juvenile game of adjourning the House’ and dared it to act against those who want to destabilise the country. Talking to reporters at the Parliament House complex, Congress leader Karti Chidambaram said, “If the government believes that somebody is destabilising India, then why are they not acting on it?” Moreover, the MP from Sivaganga said that the Government should call the US Ambassador and inform him of a US citizen trying to destabilise the country.
He said, “Even the spokesman of the BJP accused the state department of indulging in activities against the interest of India. They must make a call to the US President and have a conversation and also send a high-level delegation to the US and should tell them that US citizens and US agencies are destabilising India,” he said. He alleged that the government is not ready to take up the issue, and instead it is “playing juvenile game to adjourn the House”.