New Delhi, December 10 (FN Agency) A Delhi court has summoned veteran Bollywood Actor Dharmendra and two others in a case of alleged cheating case related to the Garam Dharam Dhaba franchise. Judicial Magistrate Yashdeep Chahal after hearing the complainant – a Delhi businessman Sushil Kumar, who alleged that he was lured into investing in the franchise – passed the summoning order. The Magistrate after examining the evidence said, “The evidence on record prima facie indicates that the accused persons induced the complainant in furtherance of their common intent and the ingredients of the offence of cheating are duly disclosed”.
The judge issued the summons and directed the accused persons to appear before the court on February 20. The court said, “It is fairly apparent that the transaction between the parties pertains to Garam Dharam Dhaba and was being pursued by the co-accused on behalf of accused Dharam Singh Deol”. Counsel for the complainant submitted that his client, a businessman in Delhi, was approached by one of the respondents in April, 2018, on behalf of another respondent to take up a business franchise of “Garam Dharam Dhaba”. The respondent had assured the complainant that if he invested money in their business franchise then it would be profitable. The complainant had also been assured that the respondents would provide all the necessary help and assistance. The counsel further submitted that various e-mails were exchanged and various meetings were held in that connection. The complainant was asked to invest a sum of Rs.63 lalhs plus tax and to arrange a land for the said business and accordingly, a letter of intent dated September 22, 2018, was executed between the complainant, his business associates, and two of the respondents.
Thereafter, a cheque for an amount of Rs.17.70 lakhs was handed over by the complainant which was encashed in the account of the respondents. The complainant and his business associates was also purchased a land on November 2, 2018, at the Highway near Gajraula in Amroha district of Uttar Pradesh. However, though the complainant and his business associates approached the respondent for starting work quickly so as to run the business as early as possible, till date neither of the respondents have inspected the said purchased land or met the complainant. The counsel said despite repeated attempts made by the complainant to meet the respondents, he did not receive any response and so he and his business associates decided to move the court with the cheating case as they have suffered a loss. They also alleged that the respondent had threatened the complainant with dire consequences if he attempted to contact them again.